Next enrollment in Autumn 2024:
Mixed Media Mini Abstracts for Beginners

The playful exploration painting course 
to create 12 unique Mini Abstracts using mixed media like a pro

 without the fear of making mistakes, the frustration of (so-called) beginner’s skills,
or the never-ending chasing of perfection.

Embrace the free-spirited woman who makes time to enjoy life, 
inspires those she loves, and surrounds herself with beauty

Before I get into what this online course is all about, let me tell you about who this is really for…

Painting with mixed media is an amazing outlet for expressing yourself, but it can be hard to know where to start, especially if you feel you need to master specific skills to achieve great results.

Whether …

  • You want to explore mixed media and you’re binge-watching tutorials on YouTube, but you’re puzzled about the technique you should start with
  • You’re overwhelmed by all the various types of paints and the large range of mediums, pastes, gels and tools that can be used in mixed media
  • You’re left staring at a blank page when you’ve finally decided to pull out your paints and brushes, uncertain about how to combine colors, create texture and organize your shapes
  • You want to create intuitively but you can’t help second guessing your skills, doubting your steps, or being worried your creation won’t turn out as planned
  • You’ve always wanted to create that space of freedom in your life by expressing yourself artistically, but your art supplies are still hidden in a cupboard, unpacked
You deserve a space that is uniquely yours—where you can explore the parts of you that crave a creative outlet.

Start giving yourself time to be playful and dive into this mixed media adventure that’ll take you from feeling feeling afraid of not being skilled enough and confused about the variety of techniques, to being a confident, proud, and joyful abstract artwork maker.

With “Mixed Media Mini Abstracts for Beginners”, I want you to embrace the experience of creativity through mixed media, so that your soul lights up with new emotions and feelings: the joy of creating, playing, exploring, but also pride, freedom, and self-confidence.

By the end of this course,
you will have:

  • Gained a sound understanding of art supplies and tools commonly used by mixed media artists
  • Learned how to use stencils to add interest and pattern 
  • Made beautiful prints using the gel plate with stamps 
  • Learned how to add collage elements to your work 
  • Applied design principles to your composition
  • Developed your mark making style, using pencils, brushes, paint markers and pastels
  • Created amazing 12 Mini Abstracts (10x10cm or 4”x4”) mounted on wood panels
  • Acquired a step-by-step process to create limitless variations of your future abstract artworks
  • Crafted a haven of freedom, welcomed joy and nurtured your soul, extending the positive influence of this creative fulfillment into every facet of your life

You’re thinking “I can’t draw or paint” …

Or you’re convinced that creativity is reserved for those with a knack for drawing or painting. Let me debunk that myth right now. Creativity isn't confined to the strokes of a paintbrush or the lines of a drawing. It's about expression, exploration, and breaking free from traditional forms.

I created this course because I believe that everyone has a unique form of creativity waiting to be unleashed, regardless of your drawing or painting skills.  
So, what if you could… 

  • Express yourself through textures, colors, and unconventional materials, without worrying about precision or perfection
  • Get in the creative flow
  • Spend hours enjoying time dedicated to yourself
  • Be excited and joyful about newly acquired skills to create mixed media artworks easily 
  • Be proud of the art you make 
  • Reconnect to your inner child, not fearing failure or judgment. 
  • Feed your soul, cultivate joy, play, fun, intuition, and letting go 

Ready to joyfully dive into this mixed media adventure, create a collection of mini abstracts you’ll love and get a newfound sense of creative liberation?

Enroll in
Mixed Media Mini Abstract for  Beginners
before October 4th, 2024 midnight CEST 
at the special price of



Are you putting off pursuing your creative dreams because you feel guilty about taking time away from other obligations?

Do you feel like taking time for your creative dreams is a luxury, or that you should be focused on everything else first - like your job, or your family?

I get it.  

But there’s this nagging feeling that there’s something more to it...
Deep down, you know what happens when you keep going that way - you lose your fire, enthusiasm, and ultimately stifle your potential in other areas of your life. 

You need to make time for your creative dreams.  I know, it sounds so simple. That kind of self-care is often pushed to the side when there are so many other things competing for our attention.

But the truth is, taking time for yourself - your creativity and passions - is not a luxury. It's essential.
  • You are not just indulging. You are creating a space that is necessary for you to be able to be your best self in other areas of your life. 
  • You are giving yourself the opportunity to have more energy and drive to accomplish the other things on your list, too. Because you have goals, projects, and dreams just like everyone else.
You ARE worthy of making time for creating art.

Mixed Media Mini Abstracts for Beginners is an invitation for you to focus on your deepest desires, rekindle your brilliance, and connect with a part of yourself that is infinite and all-knowing.   Take those steps to nurture your creative sparkle, and get everything else in your life fall into place! 

See what my amazing students have to say...

Testimonial Pascale D

Isabelle knows how to gently enable you to let go of your resistance and not to be attached to the outcome. This has helped me to do the same in my life.

Pascale D.

Isabelle’s course gave me the confidence to paint and ultimately find serenity. I stopped comparing myself to others and learned some cool things about composition, contrast, colour and more.

Suzanne O.

Testimonial Pascale D

What’s inside the Mixed Media Mini Abstracts for Beginners online course?

EVERYTHING you need to confidently create 12 mini abstract artworks on paper, mounted on wood panels, with my own tried and true step by step process.

Here’s how this self-paced online course breaks down:

Module 1 – Getting Started 

To start your artist’s journey, you need to have the right tools and materials to create your best work. It’s important to understand what materials are available out there and what they can do for you. You’ll get clarity about how to be well equipped to start your mixed media adventure and get the most out of your art supplies, tools, paints, paper, and other materials.

Module 2 – Intuitively Creating the Foundations 

Make the base of your Mini Abstracts come alive by building texture with paints and pencil, creating depth with wet mark making, and using stencils to make a statement. You’ll get to use your intuition and decide what you want your work to look like as you go along. No two paintings will ever look alike, because YOU are the artist. You can trust your instincts, have fun, play around with different techniques, and let your art take shape on its own. 

Module 3 – Intentional Magic

Make your work shine in all the right ways! Master the key steps to picking out the right colors and creating strong compositions that work. Learn all about design principles and how layering techniques with pastels, gel plates, stamps and collage make a stunning combination that will infuse magic in your artwork. And know all about the finishing touches that will bring your Mini Abstracts from good to great! 

Module 4 – Getting Your Mini Abstracts on the Wall

Learn how to prep and seal your wood panels, the best practices to mount your Mini Abstracts and how to varnish your work for longevity.  Know the best way to sign those babies for impact and style and show the world what kind of artist you are!

Plus, access to:

  • ALL CONTENT instantly: by clicking the “buy now” button, you will be able to start watching the modules and your your juicy bonuses immediately!

  • Downloadable worksheets that will help you get the most out of your course

  • Lifetime access to all of the course materials and videos, so you can review the content at any time

Want to know a little more about me, your art educator?

Hi, I’m Isa Dor - abstract artist, mother to two grown-up sons, lover of Australian landscapes, guacamole addict, fan of classic rock from the 80’s, and expert in unveiling people’s creativity ...

Creating art is my passion, but it wasn’t always that way. The road from the 4-year-old kid who painted starry nights in kindergarten to being an artist and teacher to souls like you has been intense, frightful, and passionate all at once.
Anxiety, PTSD, Post Natal Depression, Burnout…

Stuff you cannot erase from your life or delegate, right?

To rediscover who I was, beyond my roles and character traits, I dove into what was the most pleasurable for me when I was a kid: painting.  
I immediately felt the extraordinary power of immersing myself into something creative and rediscovered the joy and confidence of doing something fun.

And it healed me.
My passion for painting has since travelled with me throughout my life and I’ve never stopped making art. This led to exhibitions in Belgium, France, and recognition like the second prize at the Art Contest of the Brussels International Fantastic Film Festival 2023.

I created this course "Mixed Media Mini Abstracts for Beginners" so that you can feel the freedom of creating, gaining self-confidence, and experiencing joy while learning a new skill.

I’ll guide you step by step, so that you can confidently and successfully create abstracts you love and repeat this process whenever you feel like creating!  

You are now on the brink of making a change - taking this step to become the creative, play-filled woman who makes time to savor the easy moments, who inspires the ones she loves, and surrounds herself with beauty.  


Playful. Accessible. Absorbing. Engaging.

A course in mixed media to nurture your soul

When you sign-up during this special, limited time period, you’ll get to:

  • Know the properties of your tools and supplies so you can trust your choice of materials for any project 
  • Deep dive into 4 mixed media techniques so you can easily use them in future artworks 
  • Build your skills in making a well-balanced composition in your art so you don’t doubt your decisions 
  • Be guided through a tried-and-true step-by-step process so you can feel confident in your ability to create amazing artworks from start to finish 
  • Make artworks that are uniquely yours (no more following someone else's work!) 
  • Give yourself “me-time” and focus intensely on creating things that make you happy 

Here is a course that values your time.

The lessons will unfold in an order that is easy to follow and will build upon each other. I’ve designed this course to be easy and digestible, so that by the time you get through all of it, you've gone from knowing nothing about mixed media to being able to create abstracts with ease.

I recommend going in order.  This mixed media approach is built on the step-by-step process described. Otherwise, your artwork won't be as archival as it should.  

You get lifetime access to the course content.  

The material in this course is broad and deep, allowing you to explore the basics while also creating a space for you to grow. 

There's more!
As a special gift for you,
these 2 bonuses will help you go further on your mixed media adventure
(a €104 total value gift!) 

Bonus #1: “Understanding Color”
(video training + worksheet - value €37) 

Understanding how to use color is an incredibly important part of creating great artwork—and it's something that a lot of artists struggle with.

Don't worry, though—help is on the way! In this bonus, you'll learn the essentials of color theory so you can understand how colors interact and how to use that knowledge in your artwork.

You'll also learn about the color wheel, which will help you add depth and nuance to your work.

You'll learn how to mix, tint, and shade with a limited palette.

And you'll come away with a thorough understanding of how to choose a color combination for your artwork.

Bonus #2:  “Asemic Writing”
(video training + worksheet - value €67)

This bonus is a game-changer for your creative practice.

We will cover all of the basics of asemic writing—that is, writing without meaning—and how you can use this beautiful style of writing to create stunning artwork.

This training is designed to help you turn your personal handwriting into a powerful element in your art, using the same techniques that I use in my own work.

We’ll explore journaling, handwriting, tools for practicing asemic writing, and ways to integrate it into your creative process.  

Asemic writing is important to improve your art: it’s personal, it’s unique, and it adds a strong element of connection to the viewer.  

Get all of the above for €77 instead of €97!
Join Mixed Media Mini Abstracts for Beginners
A playful mixed media exploration to ignite your creative spark! 

Still have questions? No problem! Let me answer them for you.

It's all about how fast you want to go!

There is around 3 hours of pre-recorded video content. Some lessons might take you more time than others but remember that we all learn differently and that sometimes, life just happens.

You can do it!

You’ll get all the details about the supplies at the beginning of the course but if you want to be in the starting blocks now, here’s the list of all the supplies you’ll need.

When you enroll, you’ll be sent an email with login details to access the course platform. The modules will be available on the platform as from October 7, 2024.
Don’t worry, you’ll be notified by mail!
You can work through the modules at your own pace as you have lifetime access, as long as the course exists.

Broadly speaking, never, as you have lifetime access to the course (as long as the course exists).

Yes. The payment is set in EUR (€) as I am in Belgium but when you pay the transaction will be converted to your own currency.

I want you to buy this course because you truly believe this course will help you, and not just because there's a money back guarantee.    

I want you to do the thing that will make it most likely that you'll get what you want from this course—and that's to actually watch the videos, use the worksheets, and try out the exercises.
If, at any point during your first 7 days after the start of the course, you don't feel like it is worth at least €97, just email us at and we'll refund your full purchase price. Just let me know why the course couldn’t meet your expectations. I want you to enjoy everything I offer and be completely satisfied with how useful my course has been for you and your creativity.

No, this is the last time the doors to this particular creative experience are open.

Just email and I will be happy to clarify anything you have questions about.

Can I help you make up your mind?

“It’s not just about creativity, 
it’s about the person you’re becoming while you’re creating”
Charlie Peacock

You're afraid that someday you’ll look back on your life and think, “I wish I’d spent more time trying to create something beautiful or meaningful”.

You're worried that you've smothered your creativity for so long that now you'll never get it back.

Nobody wants to have that kind of regret. So do what you love, create something every day, and share it with the world.

The best time to be alive is now.  

You have a talent.  We all have a talent.
It's a combo of fear and invisibility that hid your talent from you.

I believe that creativity is your birthright.

And I know the secret to unlocking it in a way that feels natural, fun, and true to you.

I learned this secret through years of trial and error as an artist and art teacher. And now, hundreds of students later, there's nothing that gives me greater joy than teaching women like you how to awaken their creative energy with mixed media.

It’s not just about knowing what colors to put on your canvas or what supplies to use in your art journal. It’s about learning how to  

  • listen to your creative voice 
  • hear what it’s really saying 
  • and then acting on it with courage and confidence. 

And at the end of the day, that’s where real magic happens.

With this course you will gain the confidence and creative ability that will inspire art in every aspect of your life.

Testimonial Muriel R

This course has given me the tools to understand the rules for using acrylics in mixed media projects and then take the liberty to break the rules and express what I want.

Muriel R.

A final, personal message...

The first step towards creating mini abstract artworks is to start believing you can.

I often hear “But Isa, I don’t I don’t have original ideas, I have a rational mind". Stories of creativity that was never given a chance as a child because of an unfavorable environment (their creations were criticized or ridiculed, they were told to do “real studies” or get a “real job”) or, later, as an adult, creative dreams put aside because of life's necessities.

They're often people who are going through life transitions (layoffs, burnouts, retirements, professional reorientations, or the death of a loved one). For other people, painting is the means to find their creative self again, to recapture the feeling of being a child, when they were free to create without self-judgment.

This resonates with you?

You, as each one of the other millions of people like you, have a deeply rooted source of creativity within you. There is no divide between gifted people and untalented people.
The difference lies in how you connect to the creativity that lies within you, how you nurture it, how you train it and how much you tap into it.
There’s no right way to paint.
To succeed, you must be willing to let go of your inhibitions and not be afraid to experiment.

I’ve witnessed first-hand how making art can change a life. It has a permanent healing power, from daily worries to profound traumas. That’s what makes it a unique well-being activity, allowing each of us to be more peaceful and confident out there in the world.  

I want you to experience and feel the world in a way that allows you to live your best life, knowing you can tap at any moment into your creativity to make your world shine.  

Believe in yourself. You are talented. You are worthy.  

You can do anything you set your mind to.  

You have everything you need to make magic!  

Much Love  


00 Hours

Mixed Media Mini Abstracts for Beginners is a risk-free purchase!

If, at any point during your first 7 days after the start of the course, you don't feel like it is worth at least €77, just email us at and we'll refund your full purchase price. Just let me know why the course couldn’t meet your expectations. I want you to enjoy everything I offer and be completely satisfied with how useful my course has been for you and your creativity.